Foot Specialist in Perth

Beyond podiatry: When it’s time to see a foot surgeon or foot specialist in Perth

Knowing when to get expert care for your foot and ankle matters. At The Foot & Ankle Centre, we value podiatrists for starting your treatment right. But, if you're dealing with tough structural problems, serious injuries, hard-to-treat chronic issues, or big joint troubles, you might need a foot and ankle surgeon's help.

Foot specialist in Perth

When to consult a foot specialist for your foot and ankle issues?

Understanding the right time to seek specialised care for your foot and ankle is important. At The Foot & Ankle Centre, we respect the vital role podiatrists play in your initial treatment. However, some situations, like complex structural issues, severe injuries, stubborn chronic conditions, or significant joint problems, might need the expertise of a foot and ankle surgeon.

Our team, led by A/Prof Dr Gerard Hardisty, is here to provide that advanced care, working alongside your podiatrist to ensure you get the best possible treatment.

#1 Complex structural foot problems

Are you dealing with foot issues that seem a bit too complicated? Sometimes, foot problems aren’t just about discomfort or pain – they can involve complex structural issues. Think about severe flat feet or unusually high arches. These aren’t just ordinary foot problems; they are conditions that might need correction, often through orthopaedic surgery.

“Podiatrists play a crucial role in identifying and managing these conditions initially. Their expertise is invaluable in early treatment and in determining when a problem might benefit from surgical intervention.”

A/Prof Dr Gerard Hardisty - The Foot & Ankle Centre
A/Prof Dr Gerard Hardisty
Ankle Surgeon Perth

At The Foot & Ankle Centre we work closely with podiatrists, complementing their care to make sure you receive the most comprehensive treatment for your foot and ankle health. Together, we aim to provide a seamless transition from conservative to foot and ankle surgery, if needed.

#2 Severe trauma or fractures

Have you experienced a serious injury to your foot or ankle? Severe trauma or fractures can be complex and may need the expertise of a foot and ankle surgeon.

“Podiatrists will tell you when your injury requires advanced surgical intervention. As a foot and ankle surgeon, I specialise in these more intricate cases, providing the necessary reconstructive surgeries to ensure proper healing and functionality. ”

A/Prof Dr Gerard Hardisty - The Foot & Ankle Centre
A/Prof Dr Gerard Hardisty
Ankle Surgeon Perth

Foot or ankle surgery may be needed to realign bones, repair torn ligaments, or reconstruct the damaged structures in your foot or ankle. This is important for injuries that impact your foot’s alignment or stability. Remember, if your foot or ankle injury doesn’t heal properly, this could lead to long-term discomfort or mobility issues.

At The Foot & Ankle Centre, our goal is to restore your foot’s function and strength, allowing you to return to your daily activities without pain or limitation.

#3 Chronic or non-healing conditions

Are you struggling with a foot or ankle condition that just won’t get better, despite trying various treatments? Chronic or non-healing conditions can be frustrating and may significantly impact your quality of life. These might include persistent heel pain, recurring ankle sprains, or wounds that are slow to heal, especially in individuals with diabetes.

“Podiatrists are excellent at providing initial care and managing these conditions conservatively. But when these conservative treatments don’t bring the relief or healing you need, it might be time to consider surgical options. As a foot and ankle surgeon, I focus on these challenging cases, offering advanced surgical techniques that address the underlying issue more directly.”

A/Prof Dr Gerard Hardisty - The Foot & Ankle Centre
A/Prof Dr Gerard Hardisty
Ankle Surgeon Perth

Orthopaedic surgery in such cases can be crucial to alleviate pain, correct foot deformities, or tackle the root cause of non-healing wounds. It’s not just about managing symptoms, but providing a long-term solution that improves your overall foot health.

#4 Recurrent issues or failed treatments

Have you been back and forth to the podiatrist, but your foot or ankle issue keeps coming back? Or maybe the treatments you’ve tried just haven’t worked out? It can be really disheartening when you don’t see the improvement you’re hoping for. These recurrent issues or failed treatments are signs that it might be time for a different approach.

“Your podiatrist does a great job with initial treatments like orthotics, physical therapy, or minor procedures. But sometimes, these just aren’t enough. That’s where I come in as an ankle and foot specialist in Perth. I specialise in dealing with these stubborn cases that need a bit more than conservative care.”

A/Prof Dr Gerard Hardisty - The Foot & Ankle Centre
A/Prof Dr Gerard Hardisty
Ankle Surgeon Perth

Orthopaedic surgery might sound daunting, but it can be a game-changer, especially for those chronic problems that just won’t go away. At The Foot & Ankle Centre, we’re dedicated to helping you move past these recurring issues and get back to enjoying life without foot or ankle pain holding you back.

#5 Joint problems requiring replacement or fusion

Sometimes, joint problems, like advanced arthritis, can reach a point where less invasive treatments plateau and don’t improve it anymore. This can mean you’re facing a lot of pain and maybe even having trouble with everyday activities.

“As a foot and ankle surgeon, I deal with the more severe cases where joint replacement or fusion might be necessary.”

A/Prof Dr Gerard Hardisty - The Foot & Ankle Centre
A/Prof Dr Gerard Hardisty
Ankle Surgeon Perth

These surgical procedures, like replacing a worn-out joint or fusing bones together, can significantly reduce your pain and improve your mobility. Yes, it’s a big step, but it can be a life-changing one, helping you get back to walking, running, or just enjoying life with less pain and more stability. 

The Foot and Ankle Centre Perth

Why choose The Foot & Ankle Centre?

With over 25 years of experience focusing just on foot and ankle surgeries, The Foot & Ankle Centre is your go-to place in Perth.

“No matter who you are – a pro athlete or someone dealing with pain every day – we have the expertise to assist you.”

A/Prof Dr Gerard Hardisty - The Foot & Ankle Centre
A/Prof Dr Gerard Hardisty
Ankle Surgeon Perth

Need help with your foot or ankle? Come see us at The Foot & Ankle Centre. We try to get you in fast. 

Why choose a specialised foot and ankle clinic?

Selecting a specialised foot and ankle clinic such as The Foot & Ankle Centre here in Perth ensures you’re seen by experts exclusively trained in this area. This improves the accuracy of diagnoses and the effectiveness of treatments. Our focus is on providing the most suitable and effective treatment options, both surgical and non-surgical, tailored to your unique needs, ensuring optimal recovery and long-term foot and ankle health.

Is it possible I won't need orthopaedic surgery?

Absolutely! It is always a possibility that you may not need surgery. Many foot and ankle conditions can be treated effectively using non-surgical methods, such as physical therapy, orthotic devices, medication for pain and inflammation, rest, ice, compression, and elevation.

What to expect during my first 

During your first consultation, expect a thorough examination of your foot/ankle, a review of your medical history, and a discussion of your symptoms and concerns. Diagnostic imaging may be done to aid in diagnosis and creating an effective treatment plan.